This page is dedicated to YOU...
If Keoni's story inspires you, we would love to hear from you. Better yet, perhaps we could challenge you to join in the fun and take a few extra steps today... maybe grab a friend or two and commit to walking everyday, or even once a week.
Keoni would love to hear your story... so please slip on your new "Join The Walk" t-shirt, send us a picture and a short sentence about yourself, goals and how Keoni's journey may have touched you. We will be sure to add it to this page.
In honor of my son and his amazing journey, I have started to walk 4 miles everyday and follow it up with a 30 minute swim. Thank you for motivating me Keoni. I think about you with very step I take. Bobbi S.
Look what arrived in my mailbox today. Loving your updates...can't wait to see pictures of you with Keoni in Kansas. Hele on!
Love supporting my great nephew Keoni on his fabulous journey!